Friday, January 29, 2010

Rosh Hashana

So, what do the feasts have to do with The End?
Well, just like the feasts were "rehearsals" for what happened during Christ's First coming, they are also rehearsals for what will happen on his second coming.

The symbolism of Passover is very clear. Christ = the sacrificial lamb.
Unleavened bread = Christ was sinless. (Leaven/yeast = sin)
First Fruits = Resurrection day. (Practiced as a day that the Hebrews wave a sheath of barley asking for a plentiful harvest that year.)
Pentecost = start of the "church". A Harvest of sorts... They waited 50 days (The counting of the omer) from the resurrection to the "Feast of Weeks"/ the wheat harvest/ "Pentecost"... which was the day that they initially received the Holy Spirit.
All of these, as well as the very big possibility that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles (a celebration of God dwelling with man) are ways that Christ "fulfilled" the feasts during his first coming.

The Fall feasts will be truly fulfilled during his second coming.
The first of which is Rosh Hashana.
The Feast of Trumpets is the only feast that happens on a new moon.  All the others are on a full moon. Because of this (that the new moon is harder to spot), once the new moon was spotted by two witnesses a trumpet would be blown to officially start the Festival. The Feast was two days long. This is where the phrase "No one knows the day or the hour" comes from.  It's not about really not knowing anything about the time it will happen. It simply means it could be at any time within those two days. It is called "Yom Hakeseh" = "The Hidden Day". Rosh Hashana is also known as Yom Teruah, "The Day of Blowing" or "The Day of the Awakening Blast". The ram's horn is blown to start the Feast, but in the future it will sound to awaken the dead in Christ to meet him in the air along with all the living saints.
On this day the Hebrew people greet eachother with "May you be remembered", for this day was a memorial. (Lev 23:23-24). The book of remembrance is opened on this day. (Luke 13:27, Numbers 10:9, and Mal 3:16-18.) This aspect of the day is where the name "Yom HaDin/ Day of Judgment/ The Opening of the Books/ Opening of the Gates" comes from. (Dan 7:10-11, Rev 5:11-13, 20:11-12, 4:1-2, Ps 24:7-10, 118:19-20, and Isa 26:1-3).
Every year on Yom HaDin the Jews beleive that the heavenly court is in session.  The trial lasts ten days, until the Day of Atonement. There is a wealth of other info about this Feast, but for the sake of time, I'll skip to the final element.
The Feast of Trumpets is also known as "Ha Kiddushin/ Nesuin" (Wedding of the Messiah), and "Ha Melech" (Coronation of the Messiah). Kings were often crowned on their wedding day.  There are Bible stories like the parable of the ten virgins that point to the wedding of the Messiah. The entire Bible is written as a Ketubah (a Hebrew wedding contract of sorts).  I'll spend another day talking about that.
The main point I'm trying to make today is that one of the days of Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets/ Rosh Hashana)(no one knows the day or the hour) will be when the rapture occurs.
One year sometime in or around September (Rosh Hashana is noted on American calendars as well) is when Jesus will meet us in the air for His wedding.
I believe it's not too far away.